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Informative Essay Topics Fishing
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Traditional Values :: Personal Narrative
Customary Values Customary qualities can here and there influence us to foul up things corresponding to our very own convictions. Individuals, spots, and things shape these qualities and cause us to give up to circumstances that neither impact nor hold our advantage. This is a startling idea: What in the event that one of these circumstances put our life or somebody else’s life at serious risk? This is an inquiry that entered my thoughts when I pondered similarity in my life. One memory specifically includes my football crew. As did Langston Hughes as far as he can tell with congruity, I also felt pressure from my friends to accomplish something I didn’t need to do. During my sophomore year, my colleagues needed to participate in right of passage a more youthful green bean football player. They requested that I assist them with removing the entirety of his gear from his storage, discover him, and beat him up. This conflicted with my own convictions. Not the slightest bit did I need to participate in something that had to do with the embarrassment of another partner. Additionally, when I was more youthful, I needed to experience something very similar, and it hurt me profoundly. At that point and now, I took a gander at my own shame as something I don’t ever need to see another person experience. Before I offered my response to my partners, different results moved through my head; initiation is unlawful, and whenever indicted, the guilty party would be arraigned to the furthest reaches of the law. I was doing admirably both on and off the field, so why mess it up? So I concocted an arrangement. I would consent to support my partners, yet I would likewise consent to help the youthful first year recruit discover his gear and assist him with escaping an awful beat-down. â€Å"Well are you going to support us or not?†the quarterback of my group restlessly asked.â€Å"Yeah sure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I stated, â€Å"Just let me deal with everything ‘cause I truly don’t like this kid.†He took a gander at me and grinned. â€Å"There you go, Taylor!†He went to the force of football players, â€Å"We got a sophomore that’s stepp’n up!†It resembled I solved two problems at once and spared both my butt and the kid’s in one toss.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Subcultures free essay sample
Survey the helpfulness of sub social hypotheses in getting wrongdoing and abnormality will evaluate the handiness of sub social speculations in getting wrongdoing and aberrance. The functionalist recommended that understanding aberrance lies in the reading it work for society as opposed to the individual itself. Likewise accord is fundamental for society to work. All functionalist along these lines contends that types of social control are important to check degenerate and to keep up social request. Morton hypothesis of anomie depends on the thoughts of the functionalist.Anomie supports abnormality. Morton got wrongdoing and aberrance to be a reaction to the failure to accomplish social objectives. This is Often alluded to as a strain hypothesis of wrongdoing, since Morton featured a pressure or strains between the social objectives of a general public and the genuine or organized methods for accomplishing these objectives. Morton work can be believed to be the impact by the American dream given that you buckle down in a great job, cash a decent house and a sumptuous way of life can be yours. We will compose a custom article test on Subcultures or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Anyway he said that when the qualities or ultra objectives are disguised, numerous individuals dont satisfy it or accomplish it. Morton presents five methods of adjusting to strain brought about by the limited access to socially endorsed objectives and means. He didn't imply that each and every individual who was denied access to societys objectives got freak. Or maybe the reaction, or methods of adjustment, relies upon the people mentalities toward social objectives and the institutional way to achieve them. Congruity is the most well-known method of adjustment. People acknowledge both the objectives just as the recommended implies for accomplishing those goals.Conformists will acknowledge, however not generally accomplish, the objectives of society and the methods endorsed for accomplishing them. People who adjust through. Advancement acknowledges cultural objectives yet have hardly any authentic way to accomplish those objectives, in this way they improve (plan) their own way to excel. The way to excel might be through burglary, theft or other such criminal acts. In Ritualism, the third adjustment, people desert the objectives they once accepted to be inside their reach and commit themselves to their present way of life. They carry on reasonably and have a day by day safe routine.Retreating is the adjustment of the individuals who surrender the objectives as well as the methods. They frequently retreat into the universe Of liquor abuse and chronic drug use. They escape into a non-beneficial, non-endeavoring way of life. The last adjustment. Insubordination happens when the social objectives and the authentic methods are dismissed. People make their own objectives and their own methods, by dissent or progressive action. Morton was exceptionally disparaging of serious and eager social qualities in western culture proposing that opposition and avarice urges individuals to smell the law.The pundits of Morton hypothesis is that some state that it disregard the force connection in the entire of the general public Laurie Taylor recommend the Morton hypothesis neglected to clarify who makes the principles in any case, and in whose intrigues these standards and qualities have been created by the amazing to ensure achievement. By concentrating on the activities of people he neglects to perceive that subcultures built up their own objectives and methods for accomplishing them and this is an aggregate reaction. Other American humanist has taken the issues that Morton stresses on reveal as individual responses.Cohen and Collard and Olin, for instance, comprehend aberrance to be an aggregate arrangement by similarly invested and like arranged people to fundamentally forced issues. This implied abnormality and pa rticularly wrongdoing is the consequence of gatherings being prohibited from objectives of society as a result of their situation in the social structure typically a class position. Cohen contends that despite the fact that gatherings of average workers young people may initially acknowledge the more extensive social objectives, their developing familiarity with their failure to accomplish objectives prompts the advancement of status disappointment, where the objectives are dismissed. Rather, new and degenerate objectives are shaped and a reprobate subculture is framed. Collard and Olin take these thoughts further. They battle that too an authentic open doors shifting for the fruitful accomplishment of more extensive social objectives. Ill-conceived open doors likewise contrast. In this way, some youngsters can join a nearby group or to take up an existence of wrongdoing, however others do not have even these decisions. These people become twofold disappointment for the most part retreat to an existence of brutality, medicate misuse and so forth.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Evidence based practices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Proof based practices - Research Paper Example laborers worried in candidate agreement have been furloughed constantly, and in March, 2009, the Town Council allowed a three-month recruiting freeze (Nostrand, 2007). Thus, the LAPD, just as other law implementation offices, can without a doubt benefit from proof based ways to deal with evaluating enlistment programs alongside renewal the application procedure. Utilizing the Los Angeles Police Department and city regulatory information from money related years 2007 and 2008, this paper will evaluate impacts, in accordance with candidate numbers, for LAPD’s business endeavors and will update a model for organizing up-and-comers built up by Lim et al. (2009). Enlistment and support are enduring concerns for huge urban law requirement organizations (Lim, 2009). Over a great part of the most recent few years, police divisions from San Diego to New York City have experienced extensive trouble in finding and keeping up cops. Despite the fact that, the quantity of cops countrywide expanded by 3.4% somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2004 work didn't stay up with populace increment and was well underneath the pace of law requirement improvement during the 90s. What's more, 20 out of the 50 biggest neighborhood police bunches in the nation diminished in size somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2004, in certain offices by as high as 10 to 15% (Matthies, 2011). The countrywide financial downturn, which began late in 2007, has bore witness to be a twofold edged blade for law implementation work. Numerous competitors are going after the position, yet the assets for employing and enrolling have been cut. Sheriff and Police offices around the country ha ve revealed huge increments in the quantity of up-and-comers, similar to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Be that as it may, money related troubles welcomed on by the monetary downturn are preventing organizations from exploiting the bigger candidate pools. A high number of the applications have dropped because of the absence of accessible accounts to pay the cadets’ earnings. No place else
Monday, June 1, 2020
Enron and the Derivative Market - Free Essay Example
According to Frank Partnoys article: Enron and the Derivatives World, Enron structured itself into a derivative trading firm. A Derivative is defined as a financial security instrument whose payoff is linked to another, previously issued security. Derivatives involve the buying, selling, or transferring of risk. Derivatives can be traded in two ways: through unregulated markets and regulated exchanges. Many of Enrons success with derivatives focused on the unregulated markets (also known as Over the Counter Markets). Enron collapsed due to two reasons; both involve the use of derivatives. The use of derivatives outside of the company such as transactions with the Special Purpose Entities (SPE). The other cause to the collapse of Enron was due to the use of derivatives inside the company. Enron may have been perceived to be an energy business when it was first created in 1985 due to the merger of InterNorth and Houston Natural Gas. As the company progressed throughout the years, they have transformed themselves into a full-blown OTC derivatives trading firm (Partnoy, pg. 170). Enrons trading operations are not regulated or audited by the United States security regulators; therefore, the OTC derivatives market are not deemed securities. Following Enrons collapse, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) began to fight for the regulation of Over the Counter derivatives but failed to do so. Congress rejected the proposal and made it clear that the markets will stay unregulated. Therefore, OTC markets have become a ticking time bomb which Congress has fully chosen not to defuse (Partnoy 171). Derivatives Outside Enron Previously stated above, Enron collapsed due to two reasons, one of them being the use of derivatives outside of the company. Enron had deals derivative deals with several of its 3000 subsidiaries and partnerships, ones that stand out the most are JEDI, LJM, and Raptor. Enron also used derivatives with the help of the SPE to shield assets from the quarterly financial reports. Therefore, Enron used derivatives to inflate the value of their assets by using put and call options. Enron used special purpose vehicle and derivatives to improve their financial statements by hiding losses on the stock market, hiding debt due to the financing of unprofitable business developments, and inflated the value of its business despite losing money. Enron was known as an energy and gas company, but all of their derivative transaction did not follow their business model or involve energy at all. Hiding Losses on the Stock Market through the use of Derivatives: Enron hid hundreds of millions of dollars in losses on its investments in specific technology-based companies such as Rhythms Net Connection Incorporated. Rhythms Net Connection was a subsidiary under Enron, which was a startup telecommunications company. Enron invested around $10 million into this technology company. As the Dot.Com boom struck, Enrons stake in Rhythms company was now worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Enron did this with several other startup companies as well and experienced the same results, skyrocketing stocks which brought the company a ton of money in return. Following this, Enron entered itself into a series of transactions with the Special Purpose Entity (SPE). Two companies that stood out with the SPE was Raptor and LJM1. When the boom came to an end, the technology companies that Enron invested into started to decline. Enron found itself losing more money through these stock then they were making. Therefore, Enron exchanged its shares of stock in these technology companies for a loan. Raptor later issued its own securities to investors and kept the cash from the investors as a profit. What made this work was the price swap derivative which was used between Enron and Raptor. Enron gave stock to Raptor if its assets declined in value. The more assets that declined for Raptor, the more stock Enron posted. Enron was committed to maintaining Raptors $1.2 billion value, so if either Enron or Raptors stock declined, Enron issued more and more to Raptor. These derivative transactions carried the risk of diluting the shareholders of En ron if either stock were to drop in value. Due to the securities that Raptor issued to Enron, investors of Raptor were buying Enrons debt, not the new startup companies stock (such as Rhythm). Although the investors thought they were buying into the rising stocks of these startup technology companies, the money was going straight to Enron and used to help get the company out of debt following the crash of the Dot.Com boom. Hiding Debt Incurred by Unprofitable Business through the use of Derivatives: Enron used two Special Purpose Entities to hide debt incurred to finance new and unprofitable businesses. Joint Energy Development Investments Limited Partnership (JEDI) and Chewco Investments Limited Partnership (Chewco) where the two SPEs. Since Enron owned 50% of JEDI, they could report the company as an unconsolidated equity affiliate. If Enron owned over 50% of JEDI, then Enron would have to release all of their financial statements due to the accounting laws. JEDI was subjected to the same rules, JEDI could issue equity and debt securities since they owned 50% of the company. Derivatives permitted Enron to avoid consolidating these Special Purpose Entities. Similar to Raptor, Enron used derivative transactions with Chewco. In its financial statements, Enron took the position that, although it provided guarantees to unconsolidated subsidiaries, those guarantees did not have a readily determinable fair value, and management did not consider it likely that Enron would be required to perform or otherwise incur losses associated with guarantees. That position enabled Enron to avoid recording its guarantees (Partnoy, pg. 174). Enron disclosed around $2.1 billion of derivatives transactions with related entities and recognized profits of about $500 million similar to those transactions. Enron is not the only business or company for the use of accounting deception through derivatives to make themselves look better than they really were. Inflating the Value of its Troubled Business using Derivatives: Enron inflated the value of certain assets it held by selling a porting of those assets to the Special Purpose Entity at an inflated price. With the assets Enron still held onto, they then inflated those prices as well to match the amount of the assets they just sold. Partnoy breaks down a line from Enrons 2000 annual report: In 2000, Enron sold a portion of its dark fiber inventory to the Related Party in exchange for $30 million cash and a $70 million note receivable that was subsequently repaid. Enron recognized gross margin of $67 million on the sale. Partnoy states that the related party is LJM, which was a company that had a partnership with Enron. LJM was ran by Andrew Fastow who was Enrons Chief Financial Officer (COO). Dark fibers refer to a type of Bandwidth that Enron traded as part of its broadband business. Enron traded the right to transmit data through fiber optic cables through its broadband business. Enrons fiber optic cables ranged for over 40 million miles througho ut the United States. Only a small portion of these cables were lit meaning they worked, while the majority of these cables were dark and needed to be upgraded or fixed. Partnoy states: Enron sold dark fiber, which at the time was valued at only $33 million, for triple that value: $100 million in all†$30 million in cash plus $70 million in a note receivable. It appears that this sale was at an inflated price, thereby enabling Enron to record a $67 million profit on that trade (Partnoy, pg. 176). As Dark Fiber was a falling business, Enron was able to drive of the value and make a substantial profit. Overview of Enrons Outside use of Derivatives: These are three prime examples on Enrons use of derivatives dealing with outside companies. Enron paid hundreds of millions of dollars in fees to both investment banks and commercial banks for their work on assorted and various aspects of business. Enron also included fees to these banks for derivative transactions, but the banks failed to reveal to the investors the derivative problems that faced Enron. Along with paying the banks, Enron also paid outside law firms that failed to correct the issues related to the use of derivatives and the SPE. Therefore, these actions made Enron an excellent stock to invest in through the 2000-2001 years. Enron paid off three credit rating agencies as well: Fitch, Moodys, and Standard Poors to make the company look like a good investment. Despite Enron filing for bankruptcy in December of 2001, these three credit rating agencies still gave Enron a good investment rating grade. These agencies played a vital role for Enron special purpose entities t o work. A good investment grade was the batteries that kept Enron alive. Derivatives Inside Enron Derivatives problems associated with Enron went much deeper than outsider investors and the Special Purpose Entities. Enrons core business model was strictly not making enough money, which is why Enron shifted from an energy company to the buying, selling, and trading of derivatives. As this shift occurred, it appears that some of its employees began lying systematically about the profits and losses of Enrons derivatives trading operations. Simply put, Enrons reported earnings from derivatives seem to be more imagined than real. Enrons derivatives trading was profitable, but not in the way an investor might expect based on the firms financial statements. Instead, some Enron employees seem to have misstated their profits and losses systematically in order to make their trading businesses appear less volatile than they were (Henriques, 2001). Employees used fake numbers and accounts to create false profits and losses for the derivatives that Enron traded. The derivative traders that En ron faced were highly pressured to meet specific earnings and requirements. To meet these requirements, many of the traders hid losses and over exaggerated profits. Enrons derivative traders were required to keep records of every transaction and state whether it was a profit or a loss. These profits and losses were supposed to be recorded to keep the companys economy in reality. These traders split the profit into two columns instead of one. The first column would contain the actual earnings to Enrons financial statements while the second column, called prudency reserve, would include the remaining amount. Prudency Reserves explained: Say a derivative trader earned a profit of $5 million, of that $5 million the trader will record in the first column that Enron profited $4 million and in the second column put $1 million into the prudency reserves (Natarajan, 2017). Enrons prudency reserves were set aside into a specific account. The account can only be accessed when the company experienced losses and can use this money to offset the losses. This account would protect traders from financial losses for several years. Traders did not anticipate this as a wrongful act, but the use of prudency reserve accounts are not accepted business practices. Prudency accounts also misinterpreted the companys current evaluation of the trading business, which consequently, mislead investors as well. These fraudulent claims on Enrons financial statements do not give investors an accurate understanding of where the company stands. Not only did Enron misreport their derivative positions but also misstated their profits and losses by mismarking future curves. A forward curve is defined as a list of forward rates for a given range of maturities, and a forward rate is the price or rate a person can buy something in the future. Forward curves are very important in the trading of derivatives because it values the derivative contract today. In Enrons case, the traders mismarked their forward curves to hide losses. Enron traders did this because they make their money on profits, therefore, by hiding losses they are more likely to make more money. Traders used mismarked and misleading forward curves for approximately three years. In the more obscure markets, traders were more aggressive on the mismarking of forward curves. For instance, if a trader in the smaller markets reached max profit for the year, they would reduce their profits for that year and push the forward into the following year so they can assure themsel ves a future profit. Enron used VAR, value at risk, which captured a 95% confidence interval for a one-day holding period. Enron never reports their VAR during the year so the investors would not know how risky Enron was. Enron used misleading VAR numbers, for instance, Enron reported VAR for what it called its commodity price risk†including natural gas derivatives trading $66 million, more than triple the 1999 value. Enron reported VAR for its equity trading of $59 million, more than double the 1999 value. A VAR of $66 million meant that Enron could expect, based on historical averages, that on five percent of all trading days (on average, twelve business days during the year) its commodity derivatives trading operations alone would gain or lose $66 million, a not trivial sum (Partnoy, pg. 182). Enrons derivative trading operations are still unclear today. In February of 2000, Enron reported $7.2 billion in profit in regards to derivative but stated in December of 2000 they made $21.6 billion. Either Enrons derivative contracts and operations made a 33% increase within the 11 months, or the company was misleading their investors through false financial statements. The Conclusion of Enron and the Derivative Market Enron was originally an energy company which transformed itself into a derivative trading firm that made billions of dollars trading, buying, and selling derivatives. This was accomplished through mismarking forward curves, prudency reserves, use of technology stocks, fiber optic bandwidth, and retail gas and power. Enron used experts to hide losses through the use of derivatives. Enron is not the only institution to blame for these occurrences; law firms, auditors, banks, Special Purpose Entities, securities analysts, and credit rating agencies. All played a major role in Enrons use of derivatives which ultimately caused the company to collapse. Could Enron Happen Again? In 2007 Theodore di Stefano wrote an article called Enron: Could it Happen Again? Stefano states that a corporate board of directors is the major protection to the recurrence of an Enron-like scandal. In 2002 the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was passed following the Enron scandal. It protects investors, employees, and the public from fraudulent activities made by a corporation. This act enforces strict reforms to improve financial disclosures and prevent accounting fraud. SOX gives the audit committee specific responsibilities and assignments to complete a companys financial statements along with legal and regulatory compliance. Sox states that it wants a minimum of three people as audit committee members, all who need to be independent. These audit committee members cannot be members of the companys management team and all must be financially literate. To prevent another scandal like Enron from occurring; management, stockholders, employees, rating agencies, and board members all need t o work together in a legal and professional business manner. SOX has done a great deal to reduce the possibility of another Enron. However, the fact remains that, human nature being what it is, there will be future financial scandals, but probably with far less impact than the Enron scandal. I dont think well ever see the day that corporate governance is scandal-free. There will always be people in high positions who have too much ambition, power or ego. Although I believe there will always be corporate scandals, I doubt that well witness another scandal of Enrons magnitude in the future. (Stefano, 2007). Capital and Money Markets I choose Enron and their use of derivatives as my term paper topic. I watched a movie in high school called Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. I never heard of Enron at that time and was eager to see what this movie was about. I found the entire story of Enron to be fascinating, yet it made me curious. I have completed projects on Enron in the past, but I always discussed the accounting aspect of the scandal. I never knew that derivatives played such a major role in the collapse of the company. As the semester comes to an end, I learned several dozen new financial terms, instruments, and formulas. The last chapter, chapter 10, we discussed Derivatives, Securities Markets, Future Contracts, and Options. Everything I learned throughout this course helped me to write this paper because Enron used all of these to make money, hide losses, and strive as a business; as I stated throughout the entire essay. If it werent for this class I would have been entirely unaware what all these term s and structures meant; as a result, this assignment would have been very challenging to complete. Work Cited Derivatives at root of Enron collapse, expert says India News, 25 Jan. 2002, di Stefano, Theodore. Enron: Could It Happen Again?, 2 Feb. 2007, Henriques, Diana B. ENRONS COLLAPSE: THE DERIVATIVES; Market That Deals in Risks Faces a Novel One. The New York Times, The New York Times, 29 Nov. 2001, Natarajan, Manju. Enron Scam- Role of Derivatives. LinkedIn SlideShare, 8 Mar. 2017, Partnoy, Frank. PDF. Enron and the Derivatives World
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Globalization Of The Global Economy - 2043 Words
Over the last decades the global economy has developed numerous new features and has become more complex than ever. Since the 1970s, the globalisation of capitalism has greatly transformed the shape of the world s economic and geographical space. Current tendencies, indicate that the world is moving towards a more open and more favourable place for global business and investment. The globalisation of productive capital along with the international division of labour and the rise of the financial markets have been immensely reshaped by the new spatial norms of the capitalist economy. Global capitalism has transformed the global economy of production and consumption, as the emerging of a variety of interest groups- such as institutions, multinational enterprises, NGOs, etc- has completely rearanged the international economic geography. Therefore a need for more embeddedness in the study of the current capitalist system has emerged and it has engaged many different aspects of economic a nd social sciences (Charnock 2010). Plain economic theory is not sufficient for achieving such an analysis, as a more embedded approach is required in order to comprehend the opportunities and threats posed by the international environment. One of the most interesting areas that show the various aspects, which the international economic and poltical system covers is the newly emerged spatial approach. This geographical turn examines the importance of space and the role it plays in theShow MoreRelatedGlobalization : A Global Economy Essay1521 Words  | 7 PagesGlobalization is the process in which we as humanity are coming together to form a global economy around all sorts of different infrastructures. â€Å"The globalization process implies the incorporation of national economies, cultures, political systems and various identities of capitalist system which require the removal of all hurdles to cross-national interaction and exchange often created earlier by protectionist state s†(Aamir, 1). Globalization is the greatest thing to happen to us as humans, weRead MoreGlobalization And The Global Economy1720 Words  | 7 PagesFor many of the world’s population, the growing integration of the global economy has provided the opportunity for substantial income growth. This is reflected not only in higher incomes, but also in the improved availability of better quality and increasingly differentiated final products. However, at the same time, globalization has had its dark side. There has been an increasing tendency towards growing equalization within and between countries and a stubborn incidence in the absolute levels ofRead MoreGlobalization Is The Rise Of Global Economy818 Words  | 4 PagesGlobalization is a term that came into popular usage in the 1980 s to describe the increased movement of people, knowledge and ideas, and goods and money across national borders that has led to increased interconnectedness among the world s populations , economically, politically, socially and culturally. Although globalization is often thought of in economic terms (i.e., the global marketplace), this process has many social and political implications as well. Many in local communities associateRead MoreEconomic Globalization And The Global Economy972 Words  | 4 Pagesperiod of international peace, globalization has rapidly taken over political discourse and dealings. The emphasis, in recent decades, has been towards economic globalization with the push for international stock exchanges, and the development of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Economic globalization is the development of an interdependent and integrated global economy of independent nation’s economies. It occurs through the developmentRead MoreImpact Of Globalization On The Global Economy1355 Words  | 6 PagesGlobalization is interpreted in a variety of different ways. One way is that it introduces opportunities which further develops regions to progress and prosper in the global economy. In many cases globalization means the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy. The world is moving away from self-contained national economies and toward an interdependent, integrated global economy. There is an insurmountable amount of ways to impact globalization but some include trade, peopleRead MoreGlobalization And Its Effects On The Global Economy1759 Words  | 8 PagesGlobalization and Its Effects On the Global Economy In the past 100 years, the world has shifted enormously. Once, a world that only communicated when one nation was trying to take control of another, is now connected more than ever. This transformation began with the Industrial Revolution in a period from around 1760 to 1840. Thinking back to that time, we can easily think of noticeable differences between how the world was and how it is today. The United States was a small, developing country,Read MoreEconomic Globalization And The Global Economy2345 Words  | 10 Pageshear of economic globalization referred to as an immensely valuable and modern process. The implication is that, as nations more fully engage in interactive trade and financial cooperation, benefits accrue to virtually all as the markets inevitably expand. Importantly connected to such a viewpoint is the perception that the expansion of the global economy must produce desirable results for those nations in various stages of development; in plain terms, the inter action on the global scale must bothRead MoreImpact Of Globalization On The Global Economy1803 Words  | 8 Pagesinvestments and production in the global market. The development of Technology through the industrial revolution, is one the most significant factors behind globalisation. Globalisations removes the limits to business, the trade of goods and services worldwide. This allows business cooperation’s to expand in foreign markets. Global trade is a powerful force that has been made possible through the process of globalisation, and has opened up the gates to the global economy. There are many advantages andRead MoreImpact Of Globalization On The Global Economy1452 Words  | 6 PagesMany goods and services have increased, because of worldwide trading throughout the past years. Australia is linked into the global economy due to exchanges being made between nations and technology being better than ever, as it is quicker, faster and easier to communicate with potenti al customers. These are just some of the reasons why Australia is linked in to the global economy. Globalisation over the past 30 years Globalisation has changed over the past 30 years due to changes made between technologyRead MoreGlobalization And Its Impact On The Global Economy1107 Words  | 5 Pagesglobalisation indicates that the world development may be more sustainable. †¢ Political relations and the global environmental have become successfully intertwined, an increase in the global economic incorporation (Martens and Raza, 2016). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Solzhenitsyns One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Essay Example For Students
Solzhenitsyns One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Essay Ivan Denisovich despite its subject matter is in the final instance, a celebration of the human spirit in the face of extreme adversity Discuss Solzhenitsyns One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich portrays literally one day of the life of a Russian prisoner in a concentration camp. Conditions there are harsh and horrendous, no matter in shelter, clothing, or food. However, it is evident that despite all this, the novel is in the long run a celebration of the human spirit, as many virtues are manifested. First and foremost, the prisoners have ingenuity. Shukhov, the protagonist, is a typical example. When building the wall, he often organizes the bricks mentally, visualized the shape of block needed, and divided the wall mentally to where hell lay blocks. In doing so, he acquires his wall building skills, we see this through use of the declarative short sentence Shukhov made no mistakes. In describing frost on the windows, Solzhenitsyn uses a specific measure word, two fingers thick. This shows how the prisoners, though denied access to their own tools, are able to adapt and use their own ways to survive, using fingers instead of a ruler to measure frost. Some prisoners are also diligent and responsible. In the morning, Shukhov never overslept ri veille, and he would often be offering to be of service. These two lines emphasize Shukhovs diligence, responsibility despite harsh conditions he has to endure. Tiurin is shown to be a responsible team leader. He would never make them work for nothing, he would always feed his team for their work. Here, this line reflects Tiurins responsibility towards the team members, especially as this description is from Shukhov, a worker in this teams perspective. Although Captain Buinovsky is new and clumsy at climbing the ramp to deliver cement, every time he came up he worked more briskly as he strives to work faster, showing us how there are definitely some hard-working prisoners. Not just ingenuity and diligence, there are prisoners who maintain their dignity. While many prisoners suffer from hunger and cannot resist the temptation to lick bowls of others, Shukhovs first team leader Kuziomin, warns that those who lick other mens left-overs are the ones the camps finish off. Through this direct quotation, Kuziomin shows how he maintains his dignity by not licking others bowls, and informs others of the importance of dignity, which Shukhov had never forgotten. Dignity is also maintained when prisoners can make a choice in what they want to eat and not to eat, as well as their speeds of eating, since authorities for once do not control their decision. For example, even in the bleak coldness of the camp, Shukhov takes off his hat every time before eating, even with a clean shaven head. This action is symbolic, as it shows Shukhov is able to preserve elements, habits of his old life, and that this represents the polite dignity of a gentleman rather than a beggar settling down to eat. He also makes choices as to not eat fish eyes if they are not in their sockets, to eat very slowly so as to relish his meal.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Regional Strategy free essay sample
Regional strategies for global leadership As the rising tide of globalization, some companies may lost the way or make mistakes to set out to create a worldwide strategy. In fact, better results come from strong regional strategies, which is the bridge that connect the local and global initiatives, and can significantly boost a company’s performance. The role and importance of regions According to the article, an increasing number of companies regard regions as enabler of cross-border integration because high level of cross-border integration usually accompany with high level of regionalization. Besides the geographic proximity, the cultural, administrative and economic proximity also become an important competitive advantage in regionalization and contribute a significant weight of sales. The regional strategy menu Nowadays, companies usually adopt several strategies simultaneously to increase economic integration and promote globalization. The Home Base Strategyâ€â€serving nearby foreign market from home base, which is efficient and permit rapid interactions with other departments, especially work well when economics of concentration. We will write a custom essay sample on Regional Strategy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, it limits a company to its local region. The Portfolio Strategy setting up or acquiring operations outside the home region that report directly to the home base. It leads to lots of favorable performances and outcomes in non-home regions, but it takes time to implement and require the abilities to compete with outside rivals. The Hub strategy build regional bases or hubs to support local operations. It is simply a multiregional version of the home base strategy to share resources and add value at the regional level. However, companies have to balance the customization and standardization carefully to avoid risks. The Platform Strategy utilizing the common platforms to delivery variety that more cost-effectively and achieve greater economies of scale and scope through customization. It will get risk if managers take standardization too far. The Mandate Strategy focusing on economies of specialization and scale, and ward certain regions broad mandates to supply particular products or perform particular roles for the whole organization. All five strategies represent a new strategyâ€â€global network. These strategies make important roles in the contemporary companies, one of the reasons why Toyota can be the leader in the motors market is to combine and apply these strategies thoroughly. Therefore, these strategies are on the right orientation.
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